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Kingston University student and Amnesty International join forces against Google

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A Taiwanese student from Kingston University decided to collaborate with Amnesty International in a project designed to protect internet freedom in China.

Yu Han Yeh, a graphic design student at Kingston University, has devised, along with the four other members of her group, a project aimed at Google’s project Dragonfly.

Project Dragonfly is a project in which Google plans to re-launch their search engine in China. This would mean that Google will have to work along with the Chinese government and their oppressive censorship and surveillance rules. The Chinese government has currently the power to spy on people, know their personal details and limit information people can receive.

When asked why she chose this project, Yu Han said: “When Amnesty came to our class and gave us a list of campaigns they’d like our help for, I chose project Dragonfly immediately because I’m Taiwanese and that’s a sensitive issue related to me directly.”

Yu Han and her group chose Kingston Marketplace as the ideal location to advertise their project. They asked actors from Kingston University to distribute flyers asking people to come and sign their petition against project dragonfly, next week in central London. The actors carried white masks and were chained while holding signs showing passers-by the different content banned on Chinese Google. The chains symbolized the internet restriction in China, and the masks represented Chinese people wanting to keep their anonymity when interviewed about their own government as they are not supposed to criticise it.

The last part of their project will consist in kids in colourful chains trying to grab candy that can only be taken by passers-by, and on the wrap of the candy will be a link where people will be able to sign the petition against Google.

Yu Han and her group will have an exhibition about their project on Monday, February 4, 2019 at Kingston University, Knights Park campus.

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